Thanksgiving 2015: Remembering My Grandpop

View from Grandpop's back patio (May 2015)
Photo Credit: JennyPennyAho
Today, I reminisce about my Grandpop. My Grandpop, Meyrick, lived to be 93 years old and he joined my Grandmom in heaven last month.  Whenever I called him, he would always say "Hi Jenny Penny."  He is one of the reasons why I chose to name my blog JennyPennyAho.  He was truly an amazing person.  Seth and I are grateful we visited Grandpop six months ago at his home in Delaware.  I am also very thankful I spent time holding his hand and comforting him during his final days on this earth.  I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. :)

This week, my parents decided to take a road trip and go to a restaurant for Thanksgiving.  They traveled to a nice mountain town in Pennsylvania and on their way home had a lovely supper at a delectable buffet near their home.  This holiday was hard for my parents and I think getting out of town helped ease the pain of being the first Thanksgiving without my Grandpop.

All of my Thanksgivings before moving out west eight years ago, were spent with my Grandpop and Grandmom at my parents home in Delaware.  He would make the stuffing on Thanksgiving Day at my parents home.  I remember watching Grandpop meticulously chop all of the ingredients.  My sister and I would help mix it with the wooden spoon and by hand before transferring it into the casserole dish (my recipe even states: "mix with wooden spoon and by hand").  :)  As far as dessert, my Grandpop was an excellent baker.  He baked the pumpkin pie at his Philadelphia home and transported it in a brown paper bag every year when I was a young girl. After Thanksgiving supper, we would put on the kettle for tea and each have a piece of Grandpop's delicious pumpkin pie. It was perfection every year. :)

This year, Seth and I are so happy to be home in New Mexico. This morning, I made my Grandpop's stuffing and I look forward to sharing it with my husband and our friend for a small Thanksgiving supper later today.

Despite the horrible events occurring around the world, I hope each of you have a wonderful day with family and friends and truly thank God for everything He has given/provided for you.  We are truly blessed and we hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Jenny Penny and Grandpop (May 2015)
Photo credit:  my mom

Prepping Grandpop's stuffing
Photo Credit: JennyPennyAho


  1. I miss my grandpa a lot too... he was a special person and I consider him really like my second father.
    Time spent with the family and the love from each other are someting to be thankful everyday :)
    xoxo dear Jenny and nice to meet you!

  2. So touching sissy. You have the best words.


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